We manage your Reviews
We don’t buy or sell reviews, we manage your customer reviews in real time.
We take care of your buyers, respond to negative reviews and propose improvements to avoid receiving them.
Improve your online reputation
Good customer reviews are essential nowadays. Both large and small companies see how their reputation depends on the opinion of their customers. Good review management can help your business improve its results.
Buying reviews is the easy way out, but in the end it’s not real. We offer you a review management system that has been tested for years. Jardín de Ideas has been successfully managing customer reviews for the last 10 years, and we can assure you that purchased reviews are useless if your service does not match what they say about you.
Our process is responsive, listen to your customers. Through this listening process, during the management of the reviews, we will propose a plan that will allow you to improve the reviews and make them real, positive and adjusted to your business.
We manage your reviews on Google, but also on Amazon and Trip Advisor.
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