• Acelera Pyme Digital Kit

Now you can digitize your company thanks to Next Generation Funds

Up to 12.000€ to digitize your business!

What does the Digital Kit program consist of?

Digital Kit

The Digital Kit Program was born from the Next Generation EU funds with the aim of subsidizing the implementation of digital solutions to achieve digital maturity of companies and with the approval of the Government of Spain. Financed by the European Funds, the Digital Kit is aimed at companies, micro-enterprises and self-employed workers, in any sector or type of business.

Thanks to the Bono Digital, companies will be able to access different digitalization solutions according to their specific needs.

To access the Digital Bonus you must have the collaboration of a Digitalizing Agent such as Jardín de Ideas, who will help you throughout the process.

Who can apply for the Digital Kit grant?

Self-employed and companies up to 50 employees.

  • Segment I: Companies with between 10 and less than 50 employees.

    12,000 digital bonus

  • Segment II: Microenterprises with between 3 and 9 employees.

    6,000 digital bonus

  • Segment III: Self-employed and microenterprises with 1 to 2 employees.

    2.000€ digital voucher

Digital solutions that we offer in Jardín de Ideas

Conditions for accessing the Bono Digital

  • Be a small business, microenterprise or self-employed.
  • Comply with the financial and effective limits that define the categories of companies.
  • To be registered and have the minimum seniority established by the call for applications.
  • Not to be considered as a company in crisis.

  • Be up to date with tax and Social Security obligations.

  • Not be subject to an outstanding recovery order from the European Commission that has declared an aid illegal and incompatible with the common market.

  • Not to incur in any of the prohibitions foreseen in Article 13.2 of Law 38/2003, of November 17, 2003, General Law on Subsidies.

  • Not to exceed the ‘de minimis’ (small amount) aid limit.

  • Información sobre el Kit Digital